The AdventureSmart program is a nation-wide federally funded outdoor awareness program aimed at reducing search and rescue incidents across Canada. It is administered by the Search and Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada, a coalition of 9,000 volunteers across 13 provinces and territories under the administration of the National Search and Rescue Secretariat and within the Government of Canadas Department of Public Safety. We have worked with SARVAC for a number of years, but our work on AdventureSmart specifically began a year ago, initially to help design a Trip Planning app. Because of the overwhelming success, we’re now rolling out new branding and creative for the program across Canada.
The client was thrilled with our work on the Trip Plan app, as well as the national launch campaign. The app was announced at a media event in Ottawa in 2019 and has since received national recognition and the Department of Public Safety could not be happier. On the strength of this success, we have completed a comprehensive national rebrand of the AdventureSmart program, extending the style we have developed into a new suite of promo materials, a new website, and an E-Learning program.
“The AdventureSmart app saved a life in Western Canada when a hiker broke her leg and rescue personnel were able to locate her using the trip plan produced through the app. The app works, and it saves lives!”
- Paul French, National Prevention Coordinator